Tuesday, 8 March 2011

beauty & the batter

Ah Shrove Tuesday. Pancake dizzle. Mardi Gras. Fat Tuesday. Whatever you want to call it, it's a great excuse to flip a few yummy excuses and have a midweek gorge before everyone goes all ashen on the Wednesday and do stupid things like give up chocolate or booze for Lent (yes, I am one of said stupid people attempting to go junk free for forty days and nights… watch this space…)

I just like any excuse for a festive feel so am up for celebrating pretty much all special days, without exception - and ones that embrace anything foodie even more so. I've always associated Pancake Day with my birthday (20 Feb). As a child, I was lucky enough to always have my birthday fall not only during half term school holidays, but dangerously close to greasy Tuesday. This meant I quite often had pancake parties, the bane of my long suffering parents lives. Dealing with ten 'screeching girls' (Dad's words exactly), hellbent on flipping pancakes so they'd stick on the ceiling whilst getting covered in a sticky lemony sugary syrup is not the best way to spend an evening I'm sure. Add to that having to not only make a shedload of batter but supply a constant stream of fresh pancakes to the table when said girls get bored of the tossing (5 mins. It's the same these days lads), and my sincere gratitude goes out to my parentals for those days - better late than never ma & pa!
Every family has their own way of making pancakes and filling preferences. We always started with a savoury round - chicken in tomato sauce (Dad's divine special recipe), cheese and mushrooms, butter and Marmite (hell/heaven depending which way you look at it). This would be followed with a plain pancake. I like to call it the 'palate cleanser'. You could also call it sheer greed. Next, the sweet round - traditional lemon & sugar, tinned mandarin oranges (try it if you haven't before - yummo), Nutella and banana, maple syrup and banana… Usually followed by yet another plain one, you know, to cleanse the palate. To find out more about pancake history and get Hugh and Nigel's top tips have a look at this Guardian article.
I personally find Delia's better batter a failsafe. And leaving it to stand for 30 mins before making seems to help batter matters too...

Today at work I topped my pancake with a medley consisting of blackberries in syrup, cinnamoned apples (slightly too spiced but good nonetheless), lemon and sugar and chocolate and banana. This was largely due to the fact it was £1.50 for unlimited toppings, but also down to my general indecisiveness in all things of niceness.
There are a wide variety of fillings to be tried and tested, as I discovered with mahoosively extensive crepe menus in France. Goats cheese, walnuts and spinach, dark chocolate sauce with pears and cream, etc etc. However, for once, I am not going to blether on about the superiority of the Frogs. No, instead I am going to sing the praises of the English pancake. The shy younger sister of those thick, fluffy, American bad boys. Much lighter, thinner and lacier than even the most delicate of French versions. More soggy and silky too, but beautiful nonetheless.
Looking forward to getting my toss on tonight....  It all brings back happy memories of childhood days, and never fails to remain fun whatever age you are. Flippin' grrrrreat. As long as you don't have to cater for those screeching girls of course…


  1. Bloomin' 'eck! Well as much as I love the sound of your cinnamon apple topping, I'm afraid *nothing* beats lemon and sugar on Fat Tuesday. End of!

  2. Except maybe orange and sugar.

  3. And definitely not Nutella.
